Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Not What It's Cracked Up To Be; But It's Still A Lure

The lesson learned thus far is this: Facebook definitely is NOT what it's cracked up to be.

Facebook is a mind-numbing, time-wasting, clean and simple platform for communicating with friends and "stalking" friends from the past. The longer I go without Facebook, the more news I'm reading. The more effective I am with time management, and the less connected I am to people who probably haven't thought of me since high school (if they even thought of me then!).

So after my revelations, how do I feel about not logging into Facebook? Anxiety!

Even though I admit that Facebook is quite pro-procrastination, I still fight urges to log on and breeze through the newsfeed.

I quit smoking in 2008 after smoking for nearly 3 years (I know it's not that long, but quitting any habit is difficult even if it was a habit for only a short period). And I don't recall the temptation to inhale smoke as strong as the temptation to Facebook my friends and "friends".

So even though Facebook shouldn't be a majority of my day, like it used to be, there is still a lure to it. It's that shiny object, pretty boy (or girl) walking by, or car wreck that you just can't turn your eyes from.

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